Page 92 - Barhale Catalogue Volume 1
P. 92


        COVID-19 SIGNAGE

        To support the Barhale COVID-19 response, the below products are available.

                                                                                                SAFEGUARDING PEOPLE
          Mandatory Close Proximity                                                             SAFEGUARDING UTILITIES
                 Working PPE                                                      COVID-19
                                                                                     Response            2
               Respiratory masks                                                                   Keeping water running, sewers flowing,
                                                                                                    power on and preventing flooding
                                               Close Proximity  Authorised
                                               Working Zone
               Eye protection                  (Less than 2M)  persons only        Key Workers maintaining the nations’ critical

                                                                                    Safety | Communication | Quality | Integrity | TeamSpirit | Caring | Trust | Pride

          Ensure cab is    Single person        Keep table      Now wash           Sanitise your    Sanitise your
          deep cleaned     hand washing       surfaces clean                       hands before     hands before
          daily after use      only             after use       your hands         entering site     leaving site

          This work is classified as a Category 3  This work is classified as a Category 2  This work is classified as a Category 1
         Close Proximity Working - Requiring face to face/skin to skin  Close Proximity Working - Within 2M but NOT face to face/skin to skin  Operations which enable Social Distancing i.e. > than 2M

                  Close Proximity  Authorised          Close Proximity  Authorised
                   Working Zone  persons only          Working Zone  persons only
                   (Less than 2M)                      (Less than 2M)
               Display sign indicated above at work zone  Display sign indicated above at work zone
              No skin to skin contact  Mandated PPE which must  Pre-start  Assess whether the  Normal PPE standards with additional
               authorised - arms  be worn at ALL times -  temperature checking  task is critical and if  PPE based on task risk assessments
                               Optional use of face
               must be covered  masks by individuals              not DO NOT proceed
              Personnel to work ‘side by  Face to Face working to be  Work completed by  Increased hand  Social Distancing Marshall observing/
              side’ or facing away from  completed in short durations  ‘House Cell’/Cohort  hygiene provisions at
               each other, rather than  & minimised where possible  Teams only  work zone  monitoring working practices
                face to face
         Safety | Communication | Quality | Integrity | TeamSpirit | Caring | Trust | Pride  Safety | Communication | Quality | Integrity | TeamSpirit | Caring | Trust | Pride  Safety | Communication | Quality | Integrity | TeamSpirit | Caring | Trust | Pride
         Sign                                       Size                      Product Code
         Mandatory close proximity working PPE (Foamex)  600 x 400mm          3002130708813
         Close proximity working zone (Foamex)      600 x 400mm               3002130408813
         Hoarding (Foamex)                          841 x 595mm               3002131600013
         Ensure cab is deep cleaned daily after use (Foamex) 100 x 150mm      3002131301013
         Single person hand washing only (Self Adhesive)  300 x 450mm         3002130101310
         Keep table surfaces clean after use (Foamex)  300 x 450mm            3002131117613
         Now wash your hands (Foamex)               300 x 450mm               3002131217613
         Sanitise hands entering (Foamex)           300 x 450mm               3002130817613
         Sanitise hands leaving (Foamex)            300 x 450mm               3002130917613
         Category 3 Works (Correx)                  500 x 500mm               3002144619412
         Category 2 Works (Correx)                  500 x 500mm               3002144519412
         Category 1 Works (Correx)                  500 x 500mm               3002144419412

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