Page 13 - Barhale Catalogue Volume 1
P. 13



                                                                                            EN 374

        CHEMICAL PROTECTION – ISO 374-1:2016 specifies the requirement for protective gloves
        intended to protect  the user against  dangerous chemicals. The standard stipulates the
        requirements for Permeation, Penetration and Degradation. This supersedes the previous
        Standard EN374:2013.

                                                                                            EN 407:2004

        THERMAL PROTECTION – EN 407 is a European standard that shows that a glove offers
        thermal protection. These gloves can protect the wearer against contact heat, radiant heat etc.
        When the symbol opposite is present, it shows that the glove will offer thermal protection.

        Thermal protection includes:

        •   Protection from ignition
        •   Protection from burning behaviour
        •   Protection from contact heat
        •   Protection from convective heat
        •   Protection from thermal radiation
        •   Protection from droplets of molten metal
        •   Protection from molten metal

                                                                                            EN 511:2006

        COLD PROTECTION – EN 511 offers the wearer protection from convective cold and contact
        cold. When the symbol opposite is present, it shows that the glove will offer cold protection.

        FOOD SAFE

        FOOD SAFE HAND PROTECTION – The symbol opposite is the international symbol to show
        that a glove can be used when around or preparing food. This will often be present next to dis-
        posable gloves as opposed to every day work gloves.

        Disclaimer: Always check with the manufacturer for suitability with specific food groups.

        Disclaimer: Please note, these pages are a guide to help you choose the right PPE for you. To find up to date information on standards please check the manufacturer’s website or HSE.

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